Originally a novel and sequel to Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight" is a dialogue-heavy movie with beautiful cinematography, and a gripping story.
It is set in a post civil war setting where eight strangers end up in a snowbound cabin during a blizzard that is expected to last a few days. Each of these strangers are either criminals or not so "law abiding" lawmen. Tensions are high and something just doesn't seem right. As the story starts to unfold it becomes a "Who done it" mystery, sort of like that in the movie "Clue". The suspense is very effective and the pay off at the end is very rewarding.
The movie was filmed on 70 mm film instead of the usual high def technology of today. It has a phenomenal cast that perfectly portrayed their very well-developed characters. The film was just like any other Tarantino film in that it knew how to draw the audience in and keep their attention. And of course, it wouldn't be a Tarantino film without a little gore. It's his signature. This film was certainly not on the same level of the Kill Bill films or Django as far as blood and violence, but it was just enough!
My only complaint honestly is that it was quite long. Long, but not boring. The length allowed Tarantino ample time to let tensions boil and allow the subplots to unfold in an intense way. The plot twists were great, the mystery and buildup were great. Overall, it was a great film.
I give it 4/5 Stars.