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Suicide Squad Review


Let me start off by saying, I enjoyed the movie. After Batman v Superman, DC needed a redeeming movie. I'm not sure you could say Suicide Squad was that movie, but it was enjoyable and fun. A good comic book movie does more in their movie to reach all groups of people, not just people in their fanbase that will enjoy their movies regardless. Some say that Suicide Squad didnt do that (or that DC in general doesnt). Admittedly, the action didn't really introduce anything new or refreshing. And visually, it was an "ok" movie. I dont know much about the cinematography side of movies, but I do notice sometimes when things seem dull.

My one complaint is that the characters are pretty undeveloped. Their introduced through flashbacks that let you know some about their previous lives but nothing to really get you invested in them. It's hard to sympathize when something bad happens or be happy when something good happens if you didn't learn enough to actually care about them. Personally, It was alright to me and i was able to get past that, but most folks did not. Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, and Will Smith portrayed their characters well. They were enjoyable and unique. Viola Davis portrayed here character well too, but she just wasnt very memorable to me. Katana, a badass whose sword can absorb souls, was underused. The other characters were just not memorable either. I didn't walk out of the theatre really interested in these characters like I often do after leaving comic book movies.

The number one issue everyone seems to have with the movie is how little we got to see The Joker. I admit that it would have been nice to see him more but honestly, I felt that it was a nice touch given the storyline they had. I didn't want to get too much of him. He showed up when he needed to be there, in my opinion.

So now that I've pointed out all of the big issues with the film and my opinions on them, I'll say that I DID enjoy the film. It was fun and engaging. The humor was pretty good and some of the actors/actresses did a great job portraying their characters and making them memorable . The movie missed so many opportunities to make it a GREAT movie though. Perhaps if they upped the rating to maybe an "R", it would have done better.

Overall, I give it 3/5 Stars.

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