Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a great movie! I didn't go into the movie super pumped or anything like I did with The Force Awakens but I left the theater genuinely pleased with the movie i had just seen. The movie takes place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope and it really feels like it. The cinematography was incredible and stunning. The visuals seemed so realistic to me. I honestly felt like these places were real and everything in them was too. Some of the lighting seemed a little too dark to me but otherwise, Rogue One was a visual spectacle, in my opinion.
I suppose I should probably point out the few minor things I didn't like about the movie. The beginning (well, first half) confused me at times. There was a whole lot of talking about things that I just couldn't understand. The build up was pretty slow too. I found myself feeling bored and uninterested for a bit. But once stuff starts actually happening, it really picks up.
We are introduced to a whole (mostly new) set of characters in this movie. Most of them seem pretty interesting but I wish I had gotten to know them a little more. Especially Chirrut ÃŽmwe , the blind badass and Baze Malbus, a mercenary. I felt like they could have done so much more or that I needed to know more about their pasts or something. They seemed like they could be pretty awesome characters had they been used to their full potential.
Jyn Erso and her father Galen made great heroes and will forever be important in the Star Wars world. Jyn is strong-willed, intelligent, and brave, much like Rey and Leia are. Galan is a brilliant research scientist that is forced to work with the imperial army to finish the Death Star. Right away, I was intrigued by that. But when I learned that Galan intentionally put that giant gaping hole in the Death Star that ultimately led to its demise, I was filled with so much joy and fulfillment. I (along with so many others) will no longer have to wonder how they managed to put such a big flaw in the galaxy's "ultimate weapon".
Galan relays a message to Jyn that sends her on a quest to steal the plans to the Death Star and have it destroyed. He essentially started the rebellion. If you've seen A New Hope, you know that she wasn't part of it's demise, though. This movie explains that. In the end, we get to see how Princess Leia gets the Death Star plans. And it's one of the most amazing things. I genuinely teared up at that moment.
Seeing reviews online, I noticed almost everyone pointing out moments that the CGI was weak. More specifically, those badass moments with Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia that were put in digitally. Some said that it was distracting and executed poorly but I just didn't see it that way. They looked pretty great to me. I didn't notice these things but maybe I just wasn't trying to. I'm no critic. I just do these reviews because I love to. And hey, I loved Episode I and don't really see it's flaws either, so what do I know? lol
My overall thought on Rogue One is that it is a fun Star Wars movie with some pretty great battle sequences. I LOVED K-2S0. He was hilarious and entertaining. He is easily my second favorite droid thus far. Vader's parts are incredible, and badass! You've just got to see them. He's just like the Vader we see in the original series. I wanted to see Chirrut do something incredible near the end because it seemed like he would, but what we got was fine. I found the lack of light sabers in this movie, disturbing haha But given the time period this movie takes place, I understand why they weren't really used. It just sucks seeing Star Wars without them (mostly).
Even though the first half seemed a little weak, the second half is great. Everything you thought would happen in this movie, did (and then some). It leads perfectly up to where A New Hope begins. This movie isn't flawless but if you love Star Wars, its a MUST see! It will never be the "best" Star Wars movie but in my opinion, it's a good contender.
I give Rogue One 4/5 Stars.