Spiderman Homecoming was a great movie! I love that we got to see Peter Parker still in school all throughout, and that he spent the movie acting like a teenager. It was great to see that side of the character versus a more grown up version like we've seen in the past. I enjoyed seeing him crush on a girl and go to his homecoming dance. And I thoroughly enjoyed the dynamic between him and his best friend.
Tony Stark stepping in as his sort of mentor to guide him was a welcomed change in the spidey movie-verse. Let's face it, the humor was off the charts! (As much as it could be in a movie without an R rating). The characters were written and portrayed well and the overall story arc was entertaining. Tom Holland does an excellent job at bringing such an iconic character to life. In superhero films sometimes people fit one aspect of the character better than the other and something just seems off about it, but I don't feel like we saw that in this film. (I.e some actors being good as Bruce Wayne but not as Batman).
I am both intrigued and excited to see more of this Spiderman in the future. I can't wait to find out more about him and hopefully see some iconic story lines from the comics come to life on the big screen. And I REALLY can't wait to see him finally be part of the Avengers!!! This is definitely a MUST SEE movie for fans of both comic book movies and spidey himself! I highly recommend that you go see it if you haven't!
Overall, I give Spiderman Homecoming 4.5/5 stars.