Growing up, I watched the Power Rangers off and on. I guess you can say I didn't follow it enough to understand or remember most things all these years later. That being said, I went into this movie with little knowledge of things to compare it to. I love that, actually. Nothing ruins movies for me more than knowing entirely too much and seeing too many changes and nitpicking. I like being able to just enjoy a movie for what it is and not hate it because I compared it too much to something else.
I actually fairly enjoyed Power Rangers. It was fun, entertaining, and worth the watch. The characters were given enough time to shine and make you care about them. The overall plot wasn't bad. And as far as I can see, it stuck to it's source material pretty well. The CGI was a bit wonky in that big battle at the end, but it wasn't enough to ruin the movie. It didn't necessarily look terrible, it just needed more work I guess. But hey, it was better than it is in most movies today so that's a plus.
I liked Bryan Cranston as Zordon and Elizabeth Banks did fine as Rita Repulsa. The actors and actresses that portrayed the rangers were great, too. They were relatable and fun to watch. As with any movie, if there's good humor in it, i'll love it. I feel like this one had some nice moments. Especially with the blue ranger. He was so entertaining. It was cool that they referenced other Marvel comics characters like Spiderman, Iron Man, and Bumblebee. I was intrigued by that.
I have seen people complaining that you hardly saw them in their suits actually being the rangers. I understand everyone's issue with that but, this is an origin story. Origin stories take time to show you characters before their major story arc, and allow you to watch them grow. I am perfectly ok with them holding off to show us the rangers we all know and love. It builds suspense and makes it that much more awesome when it finally happens. If we saw them in their suits quickly, I feel like i'd lose interest because i'd have no reason to care for these characters. But, that's just my opinion.
Another thing is that people are so used to the silly costumes and personas from the show that they just can't get on board with the more modern, up to date take on the rangers. They have smart phones, modern technology, metal suits of armor, and talk like kids today do. There's nothing wrong with that. It's nice to see such a beloved show from the 90s hit theaters and introduce a whole new audience to it. And let's be honest, if you didn't like this film because it's story line is "corny", you clearly haven't seen the show lol It's the corniest thing, probably ever. But, millions of people grew up tuning in each week to see more (and some still watch it to this day).
I highly recommend this film. Not only to fans of the power rangers, but average Joes, too. It works great as just it's own thing. You don't even have to have prior knowledge of the rangers to enjoy it. It is a good movie and is worth your time. Just know that the location of the crystal (which plays a huge role in the plot) is absolutely humerus and was obviously just a cash grab. I look forward to seeing more if they are made.
Overall, I give Power Rangers (2017) 3.5/5 stars.