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Godzilla: King of the Monsters Review (Some Spoilers)


I recall some of the biggest complaints about the Godzilla movie (and even Kong Skull Island) were that there wasn’t enough Kaiju battles, the story wasn’t interesting, and that the human characters were boring. In my opinion, Godzilla: King of the Monsters fixed all of that. It gave us what we wanted (for the most part). I had a great time with the movie and I cannot believe that many are still criticizing it. I honestly saw little to no fault in it.

They delved deeper into Monarch and revealed more about what they do and what they’ve been doing since the world was introduced to Gozilla 5 years prior. I was happy to learn more about the organization because I had so many questions still after the last two films. I feel as if most of them have now been answered. Godzilla himself got more screen time, thankfully. And the other monsters did, too. Godzilla was made to look quite weak a time or two and that didn’t sit well with me. But, I got over it by the end. He did, after all, reign supreme.

For the most part, I liked the human characters. I didn’t find them to be completely dull and I liked them far more than the ones in the previous Godzilla film. I cared at least some if these characters survived or not. I especially think that the scene with Dr. Serizawa sacrificing himself was done beautifully. It evoked the emotions it was supposed to from me. So, I give them props for that. True, using well known actors and actresses for the main roles probably helped them this time around. Because, knowing them in other stuff made me care a little more about their characters. And maybe if they hadn't done that, my opinion would be different. I don’t know. But, I do still feel that the main characters were likable enough to keep my attention.

There was of course the comic relief character that can at times be annoying. But he didn’t come off as too annoying to me personally. Dr. Serizawa was back to do more of the same, to advocate for Godzilla and show the humans that he can help bring peace. There’s even a great joke where someone asks him if Godzilla is supposed to be our pet and he just replies that ‘we will be his”. Millie Bobby Brown’s character was fine. But it did feel like I was just watching the actress do what she has been doing on Stranger Things the last few years, be the hero in a world full of strange beings. Her part was acted well, though. Her parents were a little less likable, especially the mother. But, I felt compelled enough to care what happened to them. In my opinion, that’s the most important part in any movie. You have to feel at least some sort of emotional connection to it’s characters. Even though, if I'm being completely honest here, no one watches these kinds of films for the humans. We just want to see Kaiju ripping each other apart!

Which brings me to my next point. We got tons of great Kaiju action like we all wanted. I do agree with some critics though, that much of it was done in the dark or in the middle of storms and destruction, and it sort of obstructed the view a bit. I would like to see more in the daylight in the future, as it is something many Godzilla films of old did.. I’d like more balance of light and dark, at the very least. That’s my only technical issue with the film. It was an otherwise beautiful movie. The animation and CGI was top notch! It was easy to forget that these “monsters” aren’t actually there or that it isn’t a man in a suit. It felt incredibly clean.

Speaking of the monsters, they all looked great. I didn’t see anything that stood out as wrong or off to me. I particularly loved Mothra. She was a thing of beauty! Especially in the scene by the waterfall when she first opened her wings. I was in such awe of it. I only wish that we got to see her more. She wasn't given much screen time, unfortunately. , I felt like we barely got to see her do anything before she had served her purpose and vanished. I’m pretty certain that she was becoming my favorite of the Kaiju.

All in all, I loved the movie. I’m in no way saying that it is perfect. Or even perfect compared to many of its predecessors in the franchise. Just like all of those have flaws, this one does too. It’s still a couple of hours of action packed fun! And totally worth your time. I am beyond excited to see what Godzilla Vs Kong has in store for us next year! Kong has always been my favorite. I am also intrigued by what appears to be the teasing of MecaGadora!

Overall, I give Godzilla: King of the Monsters 3.8 out of 5 stars.

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