I am mainly focusing on the gang and the Forman parents, as they are the characters we see the most of.
1. Steven Hyde
I will forever love Hyde the most! He is a smart ass, a lover of all things heavy metal, and I think he has a really great character arc in the show. Possibly even the biggest one.
2. Red Forman
What’s not to love about this man? His foot, your ass. It’s the perfect duo! Haha I also think most of us can see some of our father (or father figures) in him.
3. Eric Forman
Forman is every nerd. He loves Star Wars (maybe even more than Donna haha). And I understand his references and jokes. I also really love how witty he is. Everyone on this show is a smart ass, but Eric is one of the very best at it!
4. Kitty Forman
Kitty is a wild one for sure, but I love her so much! She’s gentle and kind, but can also hold her own up against the rest of the cast. She’s been known to say something witty and sarcastic here and there as well.
5. Donna Pinciotti
The thing i love most about Donna is that she is a lot like me. She’s girly, yet not afraid to be like one of the boys. She’s strong willed, intelligent, and also quite witty. She stands up for what she believes in, no matter the cost. And she doesn’t need a man, she can handle herself just fine.
6. Fez
Sure, Fez can be quite the creep at times, but he’s a loveable creep. At least, I think so. I couldn’t help but root for the guy. He’s also the brunt of a lot of jokes in this series. It makes you want to root for him even more.
7. Michael Kelso
Kelso is the stereotypical dumb guy. But I think he has some redeeming qualities. He’s certainly humorous! I mean, what is better than, “Damn Jackie, I can't control the weather” lol Let’s not forget his character arc as well. He becomes a cop and a father! A pretty good father at that.
8. Jackie Burkhart
Not that Jackie is a bad character, I just didn’t particularly connect with her the way that I did all of the others. She’s rich, snobby, and entitled. All of the things that I grew up disliking. But she has her moments that make her fun to watch. And I even felt bad for her at times.
Quickly, I'd like to list Leo Chingkwake as an honorable mention. Anytime he is on screen, I am thoroughly entertained But let’s face it, he’s just Tommy Chong being his usual self...and that’s forever entertaining! What's a show about stoners without one of the original stoners of cinema!